What I Believe by Tariq Ramadan

by Syafiq Azhari

Second term of school has just started that I have to postpone my reading on this great book, “What I Believe”, what a creative yet delicate piece of writing by Dr. Tariq Ramadhan. A lovely book newly added into my collections.

It tells about his perspective and thoughts about Islam and how it will anticipate in the current as well as the future environment especially in the West without neglecting the current problems and upheavals faced by the Muslims such as conflict of identity, lifestyle, diversity and so on.

His ideas and thoughts are mostly practical and comprehensible. But the language used is quite high-level and sometimes I have to re-read a particular paragraph several times to understand his message and of course with the help of my Lingoes! Haha..Will continue reading the second half of the book in the near future. Really love this book though. Thanks ^_^

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Unknown said...

What I believe by Syafiq Azhari

Syafiq Azhari said...

InsyaAllah..if Allah grant me with the ability to write a book...supposed to be "What I Like" (with collaboration with Affan)....hahaha

Anonymous said...

Apsal x citer bagaimana ko dpt buku tu syafiq?

Syafiq Azhari said...

erm...buku tu boleh didapati di kedai2 buku berhampiran atau dibeli secara online...anda berminat?hahaha

Unknown said...

Kalau nk free.
mne blh dpt?

Nuur Halimatus Saadiah said...

salam 'alaik..

aahla, apasal tak crta mane dapat buku tu?:D

Selamat menjalani semester 2 utk mereka2 yg dh buka semester 2..

Teruskan perjuangan!
Barakallahu lakum..

Syafiq Azhari said...

owh...aiman,affan,atus(3A)...buku tu ade org bagi..sape nk boleh pnjm...tp lps dh hbs bace...haha...insyaAllah...perjuangan belum selesai...

Farhanah Radzif said...

nak pinjam!!!

Syafiq Azhari said...

boleh...dtg usrah...dan jgn lupa bwk cake minggu lepas...hahaha...