I don't know why, but today is a great day!Haha..It might be because of it's lovely weather. Ranging from -4 to 3 degree celcius, today could be considered as one of the warmest day of the winter so far. The sun sparklingly shines and brighten up the morning, brings my mind fresh to its fullest. And a cup of coffee pours some sort of perfection into the day(at least it keeps me alert in Mr Hatem's Class)...
I think that I had accomplished all the things that need to be done today..lab preparation, math revision, notes and it's just simply everything. And I really hope it would be the same tomorrow. Haha. There would be nothing that could satisfy you more than having your task completed.Agree?
I think that I had accomplished all the things that need to be done today..lab preparation, math revision, notes and it's just simply everything. And I really hope it would be the same tomorrow. Haha. There would be nothing that could satisfy you more than having your task completed.Agree?
Thomas Edison once said that, "If we did all the things that we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves."...and indeed we are!..and quoted from Saidina Ali r.a., "Beruntunglah mereka yang hari ini lebih baik daripada hari semalam, terpedayalah mereka yang hari ini sama seperti hari semalam, celakalah mereka yang hari ini lebih buruk daripada hari semalam."....
How about your day?
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I think i dont feel so accomplished just yet today. Byk havent done.
On the good side, in Vancouver, the temperature is really nice. Today i only wore two layes. It was 6 - 8 degrees. But its raining all the time though. No sunlight. Sigh...
salam ziarah...d malaysia lg...hehe
"There would be nothing that could satisfy you more than having your task completed. Agree?"
to bainin: have a good day in Vancouver then! haha..
to rabiatuladawiah: insyaAllah...ble fly?
to future murabbi: haha...bagus2
affan kem slm
Peh, rajin bhai.
bagus... *two thumbs up*
hargai nikmat Allah setiap ketika.. :D huhu..
emm..saya setuju je=p
Sama ngan Future Murabbi
so amik line ni laa..:
Quoted from Saidina Ali r.a., "Beruntunglah mereka yang hari ini lebih baik daripada hari semalam, terpedayalah mereka yang hari ini sama seperti hari semalam, celakalah mereka yang hari ini lebih buruk daripada hari semalam."....
to amir: wa'alaikumussalam...cantik email..hahaha
to affan: :) haha
to nurshahidah: InsyaAllah...satu peringatan untuk semua..."hargai nikmat Allah setiap masa"...thnks..
to farihin: thnks..haha..semoga kita semua tergolong dalam kategori yang first tu la ye...walaupun kdg2 diri sendiri pn tergolong dlm kategori yang ke-3 :D
kinda hot winter we're having this time.
haha.,.btul2...global warming
winter yang panas=tido
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