It's Your Turn

by Syafiq Azhari

Well, as the picture might suggest, it's all about the happiness. Each and everyone of us undeniable would desire to have a happy life after all. No doubt. We want to be happy with ourselves, families, friends and simply said, everything around us! However, beware my friends..sometimes, we tend to be selfish...because of what? Because we want to be happy…of course, don't you want to be happy? Yes, I do.

When we look back, we might realize that our happiness is not coming from ourselves indeed. Instead, it's our Creator, but how? By making all the pleasant people around us, by granting us the family who always provide us a stem to hold on to, calm us down when we are sad, by granting us good friends who always offer support whenever we are down, remind us when we go wrong, by granting us all the people who make our day so beautiful.

But why do I merely mentioning the people, not the wealth, the status and all? Because they would have no value at all and mean nothing without all those people around you. We don’t want to live alone even in a golden mansion, sleeping on the most expensive mattress made by the finest materials, eating the most delicious meals four to five times a day, but with no one to talk to, no one to share your problems with, no one to tell a joke and it is just no one around you!

So, appreciate and be grateful….and it’s your turn to make all the people around you as happy as you are. Even if you are not, their happiness would shed some lights into your heart and might turn it the other way round. Helping others to be happy isn’t hard as we once thought. You don’t even have to spend if you really don’t want to.

Crave a smile or give space in a crowd, allow other people to sit in the bus, call your families, your friends or even text them a simple message to thank them, and pray for them, even if you are very far away, all of these would do. We can help other people to help ourselves, make them happy and you would be much happier. Are you happy? You might be, if they are...

It's your turn!

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Unknown said...

Yes..tq 4 d reminder",

afiqazlamiazman said...

pik..jgn lpe jd org ptama add follow blog ak..tq.

Syafiq Azhari said...

to faas:oh, reminding myself...and so others...:)

to afiqazlami:no problemo...insyaAllah

Amemerudin Abey said...

oh tq 4 reminder

Syafiq Azhari said...


abang hensem said...

thanks for reminding

HudaHensem said...

Selamat senyum Syafiq

Syafiq Azhari said...

to abang hensem:ni abg hensem mne plak nih..haha...ur welcome..

to huda:oit..senyum2 selalu ye si hensem...hahaha